
Restarting the Blog

I have recently deleted the posts on this blog and am planning to start all over again, but this time talking about stuff that are currently keeping me interested... boardgames and other tabletop games.

To start things off I want to post about Space Hulk (3rd ed.) by Games-Workshop

I have waited a very long time to get a copy of this game, and finally this year GW published its third incarnation. The rules for the game are simple to learn and rather flexible, allowing players playing either faction a wide variety of strategic options. Combined with the beautiful tiles and miniatures, the game really immerses the players in its world. One player will take the role of the Tyranids, an all consuming race that has been nesting within the space hulk waiting for it to crash into a new world for them to devour. The other player will command the Blood Angels, an elite strike force sent in to exterminate these aliens at all costs and ensure that no world falls to their hunger.

The gameplay is rather intense, giving both players a feel for fighting in the confined spaces of the maze of corridors and rooms. Particularly for the marines player, the inclusion of the timer, gives that added sense of urgency as you hunt down the agile and stealthy genestealers.

I bought 2 sets of board tiles for this game with hope of making my own scenarios and campaigns with my friends latter on. I only have one set of the miniatures that came with the box however, but I do intend to add on with other miniatures that i have around the house :D

anyway... to keep the Tiles in order and to avoid having them move around in the box and get scratched or deformed, I made partitions using cut up carton boxes. This is what i ended up with:

I just realized I have no space in the box now for the Minis...